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Art Minors art history creative mindfulness graphic arts studio fine artsMinorTraditional Undergraduate
Business & Leadership
Accounting, A.S. business financeAssociateAdult Professional
Accounting, B.S. business financeBachelorTraditional Undergraduate
Accounting, B.S. business financeBachelorAdult Professional
Business & Computer Education K-12, B.A. education school teacher teaching computer information technology Bachelor, CertificationTraditional Undergraduate
Business Administration – Online MBA manager managementMasterGraduateOnline
Business Administration, A.S.AssociateAdult ProfessionalOnline
Business and Esport Management, B.S.BachelorTraditional Undergraduate
Business and Fashion, B.S. business administration design merchandisingBachelorTraditional Undergraduate
Business and Human Resource Management, B.S. business hr personnelBachelorAdult ProfessionalOnline
Business and Human Resource Management, B.S. business hr personnelBachelorTraditional Undergraduate
Business and Leadership Minors accounting business administration analytics economics finance entrepreneurship human resource international business marketing military leadership sport management supply chainMinorTraditional UndergraduateOnline
Business and Marketing Management, B.S. businessBachelorTraditional Undergraduate
Business and Marketing Management, B.S. businessBachelorAdult ProfessionalOnline
Business and Sport Management, B.S.BachelorTraditional Undergraduate
Business and Supply Chain Management, B.S. businessBachelorTraditional Undergraduate
Business Leadership, B.S. business administrationBachelorAdult ProfessionalOnline
Business Management business administrationBachelorAdult Professional
Business Management business administrationBachelorTraditional Undergraduate
Finance and Wealth Management, B.S. businessBachelorTraditional Undergraduate
Strategic Leadership Graduate Certificate businessGraduate CertificateGraduateOnline
Strategic Leadership, M.S. business organizationMasterGraduateOnline
Education Minors speech language disability teaching communication disordersMinorTraditional Undergraduate
Education, A.A. teacher teachingAssociateAdult ProfessionalOnline
Education, B.A. teacher teaching elementary middle high school prek pre-kBachelor, CertificationTraditional Undergraduate
Education, B.A. teacher teaching elementary middle high school prek pre-kBachelor, CertificationAdult Professional
Educational Leadership and Administration, Ed.D. elementary middle high school prek pre-kDoctorateGraduateOnline
Educational Leadership, M.A. administration teacher teaching MasterGraduateOnline
Higher Education, Ed.D. administration teacher teaching professor leadership college universityDoctorateGraduateOnline
Higher Education, M.S. administration teacher teaching professor leadership college universityMasterGraduateOnline
Instructional Coaching Endorsement teacher teaching schoolEndorsementGraduateOnline
Letter of Eligibility Certification school leader superintendentCertificationGraduate
Mathematics Coaching Endorsement math coach teacher teaching schoolEndorsementGraduateOnline
PK-12 Principal Certification administration education school leader elementary middle high school CertificationGraduateOnline
PK-12 Special Education Certification teacher teaching schoolCertificationGraduate
PK-4 Certification teacher teaching education school elementary grades kindergartenCertificationAdult Professional, GraduateOnline
Reading Specialist Certification teacher teaching education school literacyCertificationGraduate
Secondary or PK-12 Certification teacher teaching education schoolCertificationGraduate
STEM Education Endorsement teacher teaching science technology math schoolEndorsementGraduateOnline
Supervisor: Curriculum and Instruction Certification administration school educationCertificationGraduate
Supervisor: Pupil Personnel Services Certification administration school student education learning supportCertificationGraduateOnline
Supervisor: Single-Subject Certification teacher teaching education schoolCertificationGraduate
Supervisor: Special Education Certification teacher teaching education school learning disabilitiesCertificationGraduate
Emergency Management
Emergency Management MinorMinorTraditional UndergraduateOnline
Emergency Planning and Management, B.S. disaster crisis first responderBachelorTraditional Undergraduate, Adult ProfessionalOnline
Business and Fashion, B.S.BachelorTraditional Undergraduate
Fashion Merchandising Minor businessMinorTraditional Undergraduate
Fashion Merchandising, A.S. businessAssociateAdult Professional
Fashion Merchandising, B.S. businessBachelorTraditional Undergraduate
Global Languages & Cultures
Languages and Cultures Minors global studies irish middle east spanishMinorTraditional Undergraduate
History Minors american industrial archeology military historyMinorTraditional Undergraduate
History-Politics, A.A.AssociateAdult Professional
History, B.A. (optional 7-12 Certification) teaching educationBachelor, CertificationTraditional Undergraduate
Liberal Studies
General Studies, A.A. liberal arts humanitiesAssociateAdult ProfessionalOnline
Liberal Studies, B.A. liberal arts humanitiesBachelorAdult Professional
Music Education, B.Mus. teacher teaching schoolBachelor, CertificationTraditional Undergraduate
Music Education, M.M.MasterGraduate
Music Minor and CertificateMinorTraditional Undergraduate
Music Therapy, B.Mus. psychology healthBachelorTraditional Undergraduate
Music Therapy, M.A., M.M.T.C. counseling psychology healthMasterGraduate
Music, B.A. performance performing artsBachelorTraditional Undergraduate
Philosophy & Theology
Philosophy and Theology MinorsMinorTraditional Undergraduate
Theology, A.A. god religion religious catholic bible scriptureAssociateAdult Professional
Theology, B.A. god religion religious catholic bible scriptureBachelorTraditional Undergraduate
Widener University 3+3 Juris Doctor law pre-law lawyer attorney jdBachelorTraditional Undergraduate
Biology Secondary Education, B.A. teacher teaching school scienceBachelor, CertificationTraditional Undergraduate
Biology-Chemistry, B.A. science premed pre-medicine medical physician BachelorTraditional Undergraduate
Biology-Psychology, B.A. science BachelorTraditional Undergraduate
Biology, A.A., A.S. scienceAssociateAdult Professional
Biology, B.A., B.S. science premed pre-medicine medical physician BachelorTraditional Undergraduate
Chemistry, B.A., B.S. science Bachelor, CertificationTraditional Undergraduate
General Science, B.A.BachelorTraditional Undergraduate
Pre-Medicine MinorMinorTraditional Undergraduate
Pre-Veterinary Minor veterinarian scienceMinorTraditional Undergraduate
Science Minors biology chemistry environmental ecologyMinorTraditional Undergraduate
Undecided MajorBachelorTraditional Undergraduate

Degree in Three

Expedite your bachelor’s degree with one of Immaculata’s Degree-in-Three majors. Take courses year-round and graduate earlier, saving time and tuition money.

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