Alumni Association Constitution
This Association, established in 1925 under the patronage of Mary Immaculate, is known as the Immaculata University Alumni Association (IUAA). The address of the Association is Immaculata University, 1145 West King Road, Immaculata, Pennsylvania 19345.
The Immaculata University Alumni Association’s purpose is to provide an organization to serve and promote the mutual interests of Immaculata University and its alumni in collaboration with the Offices of Alumni Relations and University Advancement. In support of the University’s mission, the IUAA provides opportunities to create meaningful relationships with alumni and the Immaculata community through ongoing commitment, communication, and connection. Through these opportunities, the Board of Governors seeks to create a fully engaged Alumni community.
- CATEGORIES. Membership categories of the IUAA are:
- General: Any person who has received a degree from Immaculata University is a general member.
- Associate: Any person who has attended Immaculata University for the equivalent of one full academic year is an associate member.
- Honorary: Any distinguished person appropriately selected and approved is an honorary member.
- The By-Laws of the Association may set forth further qualifications of the various categories of membership.
- ORGANIZATION. The membership may be organized into Classes, Chapters and/or regional groups, or affinity groups as specifically set forth in the By-Laws of the Association.
- RIGHTS AND DUTIES. Members have the right and duty to participate in IUAA activities, promote the University, share in IUAA’s elective process, and volunteer for projects undertaken by the Association. The By-Laws of the Association set forth further rights and duties of members.
All policies of the IUAA are made and all its business transacted through the following:
- BOARD OF GOVERNORS, comprised of,
- Members
- Twenty-one elected delegates.
- Honorary members as set forth in the By-Laws
- The Immediate Past President of the Association
- Other members as set forth in the By-Laws
- OFFICERS, who are:
- President
- President-elect
- Immediate Past President
- Secretary
- The duties and responsibilities of, and the manner of selecting the officers of the Association shall be set forth in the By-Laws.
- COMMITTEES, established for specific functions: each to include at least one elected member of the Board of Governors.
- Executive Committee: To take actions required between meetings of the Board of Governors; made up of: Officers, and certain appointed or designated Honorary Members. The President of the Association shall serve as the Chair of the Executive Committee.
- Standing Committees:
- Governance
- Outreach
- Events
- Fundraising
- Ad Hoc and Working Committees: Board members or the Office of Alumni Relations staff may recommend and the President of the IUAA may create ad hoc committees as needed. Ad Hoc and working committees are designed to reflect current and ongoing IUAA and university priorities.
- The duties and responsibilities of, and the manner of selecting the members and Chairs of Standing, Ad Hoc and/or Working Committees are set forth in the By-Laws.
- CONDUCT OF MEETINGS: All meetings of the Board of Governors and Executive Committee are held in accordance with this Constitution and the By-Laws developed under it, and are guided by Robert’s Rules of Order where necessary.
- MEMBERSHIP: The Association meets annually.
- BOARD OF GOVERNORS: The Board meets regularly as defined in the By-Laws.
- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: This Committee meets as needed.
- PARTICIPATION: Participation is defined in the By-Laws
- Any member of the Association may propose in writing to the President of the Board of Governors with a copy to the Director of Alumni Relations amendments to this Constitution at least one month prior to a regular Board meeting.
- The Board members by a two-thirds vote may approve said amendment(s) at any regular or special meeting of the Board.
- After Board approval, the Board must notify the membership of the proposed amendment within 10 days. The membership shall have thirty days to comment in writing directed to the President of the Board.
- If no comment, said proposed amendment(s) shall be deemed adopted by the Association.
- If the Board receives comment within thirty days of the notice of Board approval, the Board shall consider said comments and the Board may make any changes by a two-thirds vote of the Board members present at any regular or special meeting of the Board.
- Within 10 days, once adopted by the Board, the amendment(s) shall be presented to the University President for comment and/or approval.
- Upon approval from the University President, the Board of Governors shall present the amendment(s) to the Board of Trustees for comment and/or approval. An amendment shall be considered in effect once it is approved by the Board of Trustees.
- The University President and/or the Board of Trustees shall direct any comment to the Board of Governors for further consideration. If the Board of Governors deems any changes necessary, the Board of Governors must approve those changes by a two-thirds vote of the Board members present at any regular or special meeting. If approved, said change(s) shall be deemed adopted by the Association as an amendment, pending approval by the University President and Board of Trustees, as provided within.
- Any announcement or notice to the members of the Association shall be deemed sufficient if published in the official media of the University and distributed among the members of the Association.
October 2017