Home Admissions Tuition & Fees Graduate Studies Tuition

Graduate Studies Tuition


2024-2025 Academic Year
Tuition - Master’s Courses
Business Administration $500 per credit
Strategic Leadership $500 per credit
Higher Education $500 per credit
All Other Master’s Courses $710 per credit
Tuition - Doctoral Courses
Ed.D. Doctoral Courses $955 per credit
Psy.D. Doctoral Courses $990 per credit
Ph.D. Doctoral Courses $990 per credit
Fees (per term or per course as appropriate)
Application Fee (Doctoral) $75
Athletic Training Certification $350/$800
Athletic Training $100/400
Exam Fee $250
Special Ed. Student Teaching $175
Student Teaching $350
Music Therapy $50/$100
Dietetic Internship $260/$400
Nursing Practicum $110
Leadership $95
EPPP Materials $1099/$1165
Psychology Practicum $250
Comprehensive Examination Fee
Master’s $75/150
Doctoral $160
Miscellaneous Fees
Graduation Fee $150
Replacement ID card $25
Late Payment Fee $30
Returned Check Charge $30
Parking Permit $25 / $50
Transcript Fee $20
Immaculata reserves the right to revise charges whenever the University or the Board of Trustees considers it to be appropriate.



2025-2026 Academic Year
Tuition - Master’s Courses
Business Administration $500 per credit*
Strategic Leadership $500 per credit*
Higher Education $500 per credit*
Music Education $500 per credit*
Educational Leadership $710 per credit
Music Therapy $710 per credit
Clinical Mental Health Counseling $710 per credit
Criminal Justice $710 per credit
Athletic Training $730 per credit
Nursing $730 per credit
Nutrition $730 per credit
Health Care Management $730 per credit
*No further discounts apply
Tuition - Doctoral Courses
Higher Education $985 per credit
Educational Leadership and Administration $985 per credit
Clinical Psychology $1,020 per credit
Counselor Education and Supervision $1,020 per credit
2024-25 Fees (per term or per course as appropriate)
2025-26 fees will be announced later in the spring
Application Fee (Master’s) $50
Application Fee (Doctoral) $75
Athletic Training Certification $350/$800
Athletic Training $100/400
Exam Fee $250
Special Ed. Student Teaching $175
Student Teaching $350
Music Therapy $50/$100
Dietetic Internship $260/$400
Nursing Practicum $110
Leadership $95
EPPP Materials $1099/$1165
Psychology Practicum $250
Comprehensive Examination Fee
Master’s $75/150
Doctoral $160
Miscellaneous Fees
Graduation Fee $150
Replacement ID card $25
Late Payment Fee $30
Returned Check Charge $30
Parking Permit $25 / $50
Transcript Fee $20
Immaculata reserves the right to revise charges whenever the University or the Board of Trustees considers it to be appropriate.

There are many different types of financing options available to assist students. For further information, contact the Office of Financial Aid at 610-647-4400 ext. 3028, or e-mail finaid@immaculata.edu.


All students at Immaculata University are required to agree to the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement once a year before registering for courses. The Agreement is available in SSIU (Self-Service IU), accessible through MyIU, and defines the financial terms and conditions associated with course registration. This includes the student’s responsibility regarding payment of tuition and fees, IU email, electronic billing, late fees, financial holds, financial aid, course add/drop/withdrawal, change of name/address/phone number and debt collection.

Tuition, charges and fees are assessed on a term basis and are due in full by the term payment due date unless a student enrolls into the IU Installment Payment Plan. Students registering on or after the term payment due date are required to pay at the time of registration.  Once registered, a student assumes financial responsibility for charges. Students are not permitted to attend classes or occupy University housing until full payment or payment arrangements have been made with the Business Office prior to the term due date. Late fees in the amount of $30 are assessed monthly.

It is the responsibility of all financial aid recipients to ensure that their financial aid is available by the term payment due date.

Students with outstanding financial obligations will not be permitted to register for future terms or receive grades, teacher certifications or diplomas.

Payments are accepted online by logging in to the MyIU student portal and clicking on the Student Account Center tile, or by mail. Checks should be made payable to Immaculata University and mailed to: Business Office Villa Maria 14, 1145 West King Road, Immaculata, PA 19345. In person, go to the Business Office located in Rm. #14, terrace level of Villa Maria between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. In person credit card transactions are not accepted. After hours, check payments may be dropped into our secure drop box located outside the Business Office doors. Make sure the student’s name and ID# are on the check and placed in an envelope. If need to contact our office, you may communicate using phone 484-323-3178 or email to studentaccounts@immaculata.edu.

You may choose to enroll in the IU Installment Payment Plan, which distributes payments across due dates within the term. There is a $25 non-refundable installment plan enrollment fee payable at time of enrollment; this fee is not eligible to be included in the installment payment plan. The $25 fee is due each term. Students must submit an Installment Plan Enrollment Form each term, which is located in MYIU student portal. For your convenience payments are accepted online. The minimum account balance to qualify for the installment plan is $200.

All bills and monthly statements are generated electronically. Electronic bills are available online in the Student Account Center, accessible through MyIU.

Please read the policy on refunds. Contact studentaccounts@immaculata.edu for further information.

Immaculata University reserves the right to assign outstanding account balances to a collection agency.

Once an account is assigned to a collection agency, all communication by the student must be made through the collection agency. Accounts are reported to credit bureaus. Students are responsible to reimburse Immaculata for fees of any collection agency, which may be based on a percentage of the debt up to a maximum of 40% of the debt, and all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, incurred in the collection efforts. All payments must be made directly to the collection agency; Immaculata cannot accept direct payments once an account is placed with a collection agency. The account is considered paid in full when the total debt is paid.

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