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ACT 45 & 48 Credits

ACT 45 Credits

The Pennsylvania Department of Education has a new requirement that applies to all active school and system leaders employed in the following positions: principal, assistant or vice principal, superintendent, assistant superintendent, intermediate unit executive director, intermediate unit assistant director, or director of an area vocational-technical school.

The legislation affects professional educators who are employed in any of these positions and requires that they obtain their ACT 48 continuing professional education requirements with courses that satisfy the guidelines described under the ACT 45 PIL legislation. Immaculata will enter courses that have been approved by PDE to meet the PIL requirements. Please see a list of PDE approved courses on the ACT 45 form. The requirement will be satisfied by two courses (six credits that are equivalent to 180 hours). Immaculata cannot enter the courses unless the student submits the appropriate form, which is available in the Graduate Office, the Curriculum Library (room 224, Loyola Hall), or online.

The requirement known as ACT 45 is based on the PA Inspired Leadership (PIL) Legislation.  Those affected need to complete their ACT 48 continuing professional education requirements with courses that satisfy the guidelines described under the PIL Legislation.

For additional information, contact Leah Bustraan at lbustraan@immaculata.edu.

ACT 45 Request Form

Act 48 Credits

The Pennsylvania Department of Education website addresses Pennsylvania Act 48.  If you have taken courses for Act 48 at Immaculata University and wish to apply for Act 48 credit, print out the Act 48 form and return it to the address indicated so that information can be submitted to the PA Department of Education.  To check your ACT 48 credits, go to the Act 48 Professional Record Management System.

For additional information, contact Leah Bustraan at lbustraan@immaculata.edu.

ACT 48 Request Form

Summer 2023 Workshops

Summer workshops are designed to provide unique, interactive learning opportunities for educators and administrators seeking Act 48 or Act 45 credit.

>> ACT 45 & 48 Credits

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