Certification Office
The Certification Office serves the entire university community seeking Pennsylvania Department of Education certification in programs offered by Immaculata University. These programs include: teacher preparation programs, school counselors, and school administrators.
#1 Apply for Certification or Adding an Endorsement
To apply for certification or to add an endorsement, please view these instructions.
#2 Advisor Verification Form
Please complete and send the completed form to your advisor.
Am I taking the correct test?
Important Praxis/PECT test information as of December 2024
(including test codes and test registration information).
Teacher and School Administrator Certification
- The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) currently issues certification for teachers and school administrators. Praxis/PECT testing is required.
School Counselor Certification
- The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) currently issues certification for elementary school and secondary school counselors (PK-12). Praxis testing is required.
All teacher education programs offered at Immaculata University have been approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Graduates who have successfully completed an approved program and have been recommended by Immaculata University are eligible for a Pennsylvania certificate to teach. Students not recommended for certification may appeal through the Campus Review Committee.
Immaculata University makes every effort to help students prepare to teach in a state other than Pennsylvania. Students are responsible for ascertaining the requirements of other states.
All continuing education students and transfer students seeking certification should contact the appropriate Education Division advisor upon admittance.
Basic Skills Assessment Requirement
Effective July 1, 2025, the basic skills assessment required under 22 Pa. Code § 49.18 (relating to assessment) will no longer be required for entry into a Pennsylvania baccalaureate teacher preparation program. (24 P.S. § 1207.3)
Intern Certification
Pennsylvania's teacher intern certification is a professional certificate that entitles the holder to fill a full-time professional teaching position. The teacher intern certification program is an alternate route to certification through an approved Pennsylvania program provider.
Immaculata University is approved by the PA Department of Education (PDE) to offer the following Intern Certification Programs at the graduate level:
- Special Education PK-12
- Biology 7-12
- Chemistry 7-12
- English 7-12
- Social Studies 7-12
- Music PK-12
- BCIT PK-12
For more information regarding the program, please contact Leah Bustraan at 484-323-3297 or lbustraan@immaculata.edu. More information can also be found on the PDE’s website at Instructional Intern Certification.
The Teacher Information Management System (TIMS) application fee for an Intern Certification is now waived by PDE. Please note, there is still a TIMS application fee for other certification applications. By waiving the fee for the Intern Certificate, PDE hopes to incentivize more individuals to pursue this option.
Information from the PA Department of Education (PDE):
- Information regarding Emergency Permits can be found here: (See CSPG 13 – Emergency Permits (pa.gov))
- The fastest way to reach PDE is their resource email account ra-edcertquestions@pa.gov. Please include your PPID when emailing PDE.
- PK-4 certification holders can add on grades 5&6 with testing alone. Find information about what certifications can be added on with testing alone at Instructional Add-Ons (pa.gov)
- Your certificate has important information on the back (p.2 if you print preview) which provides information on maintaining your certification. The Valid vs. Active chart explains the difference between valid and active and provides general information.
Additional resources from the PA Department of Education (PDE)’s website:
- Certification Resources
- Submitting an Application in TIMS
- Certification Testing
- The Applying in TIMS video (it is a little outdated, but it is still helpful in guiding new applicants).
Please review the following websites for the most up-to-date information on requirements.
- PA Department of Education Testing Requirements
- PAPA (Pre-service Academic Performance Assessment)
- Pennsylvania Department of Education
Guidelines and forms for fee waivers and retake exams
- ETS Fee Waiver Form
- PECT Fee Waiver Request Form
- PECT Retake Voucher Request Form and Guidelines for Requesting PECT Retake Vouchers
More Information
The Certification Office is located in Loyola Hall 226. For more information, contact Leah Bustraan, Certification Officer, at lbustraan@immaculata.edu or 484-323-3297.