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Student Government Association

Every student in the College of Undergraduate Studies of Immaculata University is a member of the Student Government Association. The Student Council is made up of the elected officials that hold voting rights in SGA, and the executive president.

  • Executive Officers: president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer.
  • Class Officers: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, SGA representative, and commuter representative.
  • Councils: programming council chair and vice chair; residence council chair and vice chair; multicultural council chair and vice chair; Greek council chair and vice chair and commuter council chair and vice chair.

SGA meetings take place bi-weekly. Dates of meetings are made public to the student body. Everyone is welcome to attend public meetings of the Student Government Association.

Everyone can be involved in SGA. Whether you are an elected official or a volunteer representative, SGA is looking for dedicated students to serve on committees and, also, be present at SGA, class officer, and council meetings to lend extra input. To get involved, you can contact your class officers or call the Campus Life Suite at 610-647-4400 ext. 3130 or email SGA at studentlife@immaculata.edu.

SGA Councils

Residence Council

The Residence Council consists of one chair and vice chair elected by the Student Government Association and a committee composed of two representatives from each residence hall, constructed by the chair after the elections. The Residence Council responds to the needs of the resident students.

Commuter Council

The Commuter Council consists of one chair and vice chair elected by the Student Government Association and a committee consisting of student volunteers from any class constructed by the chair after the elections. The Commuter Council responds to the needs of the commuters.

Programming Council

The Programming Board consists of one chair and vice chair elected by the Student Government Association and a committee consisting of student volunteers from any class constructed by the chair after the elections. The board plans, directs, and manages all activities and events sponsored by the SGA. All funds of the Programming Board are controlled by the treasurer of the Student Government Association in conjunction with a financial manager, a member of the Programming Board committee. All proceeds from any activity sponsored by the Programming Board are given to the treasurer of the SGA.

Multicultural Council

The Multicultural Council of the Student Government Association responds to the needs of those students who are members of accredited multicultural organizations. The duties of the council are to develop programs that enhance the understanding and appreciation of the diversity of the IU community.

Greek Council

The Greek Council of the Student Government Association works to respond to the needs of those students who are members of accredited Greek organizations and create programming that aids in the growth of Greek Life at Immaculata University.

Ways and Means Committee

The Ways and Means Committee consists of the executive treasurer of the Student Government Association, who serves as the chair, and the treasurer from each class. This committee meets at any time deemed necessary by the chair. This committee decides matters concerning the use of Student Council funds by groups not directly associated with the Council. Any University-sponsored group or activity may make a request for funds by giving this committee a written proposal outlining the amount requested and the intended use of the funds on a designated date at the beginning of each semester. Requests for fundraising activities also will be evaluated at this time.

>> Student Government Association

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