Institutional Advancement

On behalf of the Office of Institutional Advancement at Immaculata, welcome!

Our offices offer a myriad of opportunities to you, our loyal alumni, parents, and friends, to stay connected, become engaged with, and support Immaculata University. From Reunion, Carol Night, the University Gala, and other on-campus events, we are here to ensure your visit to Immaculata is meaningful. Our On the Road events, designed to meet alumni of the University where they live and work, provide Immaculatans with a chance to hear about current happenings at Immaculata. And, the Alumni Association’s many events provide occasions for alumni to connect with each other and remember the significance of their Immaculata education.

We want you to be involved and invested in the life of Immaculata University – and there are many ways in which you can do so, by:

  • Recommending Immaculata University to high school students and guidance counselors
  • Mentoring a student, or providing internship opportunities
  • Making an annual gift to the Immaculata Fund
  • Join one of our giving societies
  • Attending Alumni Association events
  • Representing Immaculata at a college fair in your area
  • Volunteering to serve on a committee for the upcoming Centennial Celebration in 2020

We look forward to your continued participation at Immaculata, and to your return visits to our beautiful campus.


Susan W. Arnold
Vice President for Institutional Advancement

>> Institutional Advancement

Honor Roll of Donors

Cover of publication Honor Roll of Donors

Immaculata is doing well thanks to the generosity of our alumni and donors.

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