Kelly Doyle, Ed.D.
Title: Associate Professor
Department: Education
Office: Loyola Hall 224A
Phone: (610) 647-4400 Ext: 3162
Bachelor of Science, St. Joseph’s University
Master of Science, St. Joseph’s University
Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership, Immaculata University
Pennsylvania Certifications in Elementary; Reading Specialist; Supervisor of Reading; Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction
Dr. Doyle’s educational career has focused on literacy, instructional leadership, and curriculum. She teaches leadership, curriculum, coaching, and literacy-related courses at the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels. She will serve as Undergraduate Program Director and leads the Reading Specialist certification program at the graduate level. Prior to joining Immaculata, Dr. Doyle worked in education at the K-12 level as a teacher, instructional supervisor, and district-level administrator. Dr. Doyle’s research interests include fostering active engagement in the classroom and topics related to literacy curriculum, instruction, and assessment. She serves in leadership positions in regional literacy organizations, and has published and presented with numerous local, regional, national, and international professional associations.