Janet Spaulding

Title: Academic Advisor
Department: Center for Undergraduate Advising
Office: 26B VM
Phone: (610) 647-4400 Ext: 3448
Email: jspaulding1@immaculata.edu
I have been teaching English (with a focus on comp) here at IU for over twenty years. If it has ENG or COM in front of it, I have probably taught it at least once.
In addition to adjuncting, I also work in Academic Advisement full-time. Other previous jobs I have held included working for the Fed as a Contract Specialist, Mortgage and Lending, and stand-up comedy (I paid for an entire degree by making people laugh. )
I have lived in Pennsylvania since 1998 – I am originally from Oklahoma City, OK. As a military brat, I have lived in more places than I can count, including countries in Asia and Europe. I enjoy travel a lot and have been on six of the seven continents! (You’ll know I made it to Antarctica when you see me on campus with a penguin.)
In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my husband, three children, and a whole herd of ridiculous pets that my children have collected over the years (who have, by default, become MY pets. Ask me about the squirrel. No, really.)
My door is always open; I am always happy to see people. Stop by and introduce yourself!
Courses Taught
ENG 106 – Composition I
ENG 107 – Composition II
FYS 100 – First-year Seminar