James Siburt, Ph.D.

Title: Department Chair, Assistant Professor, Strategic Leadership Program Director
Department: Business, Fashion and Leadership
Office: 19 FC
Phone: (610) 647-4400 Ext: 3146
Email: jsiburt@immaculata.edu
PhD., Leadership, Alvernia University
Dr. James Eric Siburt, PhD., is the Assistant Professor and Graduate Director of the Masters of Strategic Leadership at Immaculata University. He has 15 years of experience in higher education as an educator, researcher, and administrator. His interdisciplinary research is through the semiotic analysis of narrative to form an understanding of power–folklore, pop-culture, religion, and mythology–that shapes and perpetuates normative perspectives in religion, politics, leadership, and popular culture.
Selected Publications
Siburt, J. Myth, Magic, and Power in Tolkien’s Middle-earth. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2023
Siburt, J. The Practice Of Story – A Manifestation Of Power And Influence. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., (Under Contract, Projected 2025)
Siburt, J. & Steffy, C. “The Critical Précis: A Foundation For Writing.” Writing the Disciplines, edited by C. Fitzpatrick, Educators for OERs, 2023. https://www.writingthedisciplines.org/work-1/project-two-52m82
Johnson, R. & Siburt, J. Being in the World:Theological Archetypes in Science Fiction. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., (Under Contract, Projected 2024)
Craig, Claire & Dillon, Sarah. (2021). Storylistening: Narrative Evidence and Public Reasoning. New York, NY: Routledge, for The British Society for Literature and Science, https://www.bsls.ac.uk/sarah-dillion-and-claire-craig-storylistening-narrative-evidence-and-public-reasoning/,2023
Michael D. Nichols, Religion and Myth in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Western Folklore, 81(4), 424–427, 2022.
“Playing Zero Sum Games With Ourselves,” Annual Conference of the Mid-Atlantic Popular & American Culture Association, Philadelphia, PA, November 2023
“SF/Fantasy Roundtable: Teaching Genre Fiction in the Interdisciplinary Classroom,” Annual Conference of the Mid-Atlantic Popular & American Culture Association, Philadelphia, PA, November 2023
Courses Taught
LDR600 Foundations of Leadership
LDR603 Organizational Ethics
LDR604 Theories of Change
LDR615 Leading Digital Citizens
LDR621 Strategic & Critical Problem Solving
LDR640 Power & Influence
Research Interests
Semiotics, Social Power Dynamics, Cultural Anthropology, continental Philosophy, SOciology of Leadership, Popular Culture, Mythology, Literary Analysis