Anne Marie McCauley D.H.Ed., R.N.

Title: Director of Allied Health/Health Care Management Programs, Professor
Department: Health, Nutrition and Exercise Sciences
Office: Faculty Center Office #16
Phone: (610) 647-4400 Ext: 3312
RN (State of PA)- York Hospital School of Nursing
BS- Healthcare Management- Lebanon Valley College
MS- Workforce Education and Development- Pennsylvania State University
DHEd.- Health Education and Promotion - A. T . Still University
Dr. Anne Marie McCauley is the director of Immaculata’s undergraduate programs in allied health and health care management in the Department of Health, Nutrition and Exercise Science. She has served at Immaculata University as an assistant professor since 2015.
Dr. McCauley served as regional advisor to HOSA and served as a board member for the state of Pennsylvania for three years. She also served as a HOSA facilitator for Pennsylvania’s state and national competition involvement. Dr. McCauley remains actively licensed as a registered nurse in Pennsylvania. While in her nursing program, she served as class president and student government president, and she received a March of Dimes national scholarship.
While in her doctoral program, Dr. McCauley was named to Who’s Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges. She was recognized by the administration for achieving a 4.0 in her doctoral program. She was also awarded membership in the Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society while attending Lebanon Valley College.
Dr. McCauley served in the health care field for over 22 years, working as an R.N. and serving in staff and supervisory clinical positions in areas such as pediatrics, outpatient surgery, oncology, adult and maternal child home health, newborn nursery, labor and delivery, surgery units, staff development and manager of a family practice office. Dr. McCauley is pleased to be able to share her medical experience and education and enjoys sharing her passion for health care with students.
Courses Taught
- Allied Health Seminars I, II and III
- Introduction to Healthcare
- Health Ethics
- Professional Health Sciences Capstone
- The Aging and Long Term Care Management
- Resources, Recruitment and Retention in Healthcare
- Risk Management and Patient Affairs
- Medical Practice Management
- MS Health Care Management Capstone
Research Interests
Academic Integrity in relation to Healthcare faculty and students.
Recent Work
Dissertation: “Academic Cheating Management for Nursing Faculty”
Literature Review: “Examining the Factors and Methods Used in Academic Cheating by High School Students”