Levi Fox, Ph.D.
Title: Assistant Professor of History
Department: Civic Engagement
Office: 27 FC
Phone: (610) 647-4400 Ext: 3477
Email: lfox1@immaculata.edu
Fox earned his Ph.D. in History in 2018 from Temple University, where he was Allan Davis Public History Fellow. Fox has devoted much of his professional career to doing public history work in Southern New Jersey, starting in high school as a tour guide at “Lucy The Margate Elephant” and including a two-year stint developing a tour program–and historical exhibit–at the James Candy Factory in Atlantic City. More recently, Fox created a series of historic walking tours highlighting different Atlantic City neighborhoods. Fox has previously taught Argumentative Writing at Stockton University, Anthropology and Geography at Monmouth University, Public History at LaSalle University, and Intellectual Heritage at Temple University.
Selected Publications
Forthcoming, “The Forgotten War Memory Boom: State and Local Korean War Memorials, 1987-2003” in Monuments, Memory, and Commemoration: Opportunities, Challenges, and Controversies edited by John Jameson, Richard Veit, and Sherene Braugher (Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press, 2024)
*Review of Selling the Sights: The Invention of the Tourist in American Culture by Will B. Mackintosh in Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies (Vol. 88, Number 1, Winter 2021) p. 159-162
‘The Korean War Memory Tour’ – Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, January 2020
‘The (Pop-Up) Atlantic City Anti-Trump Museum’- The National Council on Public History, March 2019
Graduation Speech, ‘The Immediacy of Public History’ – Temple CLA Graduate Commencement (2018)
*‘Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for Humanities’ Featured Blog (2014-17): march.rutgers.edu/author/lfox
*‘Trump’s Gambling Heritage Tour’ – NCPH
*Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia- ‘Korean War’
Courses Taught
World Civilization (Hist 115 & Hist 116)
American Studies (Hist 311 & Hist 312)
Historians Craft (Hist 207)
Women’s History (Hist 216)
Industrial East Asia (Hist 232/Pol 232)
Westerns (Hist 293)
Big 4 History Tour (Hist 320)
Ancient World (Hist 360)
Cultural Anthropology (Soc 353)
World Geography (Geo 101)
Research Interests
Fox wrote his dissertation on Korean War Memorials, Museums, and Anti-War Protests and studies the intersection of Historical Memory, Public Humanities, and Heritage Tourism on the South Jersey Shore.