
Middle States Virtual Preparatory Meetings

In preparation for the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) site visit on March 25-27, 2024, the MSCHE Steering Committee invites you to attend the preparatory meetings scheduled for this week. If you have been invited to participate in an individual or group meeting during the team’s visit, we strongly encourage you to attend the related Standards meeting(s) for a review of our key findings, future directions and additional information about what to expect during the visit.

Monday, March 18                  3 p.m.              Click here to join the meeting
Standard IV – Support of the Student Experience

Tuesday, March 19                 3 p.m.              Click here to join the meeting
Standard VI – Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement
& VII – Governance, Leadership, and Administration

Friday, March 22                     11 a.m.            Click here to join the meeting
Open Session

Immaculata University’s full MSCHE report can be found on MyIU. In preparation for the visit, special attention should be given to the executive summary, introduction and conclusion of the report, as this provides an overview of the detailed information that is found within the individual chapters.

Posted: March 18, 2024
Expires: March 26, 2024